Quickly find a resource in the Workbench by searching resource names. You can also do contextual searches for information that is contained inside files.
You can bring up the Search Dialog by clicking on the Search toolbar button. Containing Text. Type the expression for which you wish to do the text search.
Click on your project in the project explorer or Navigator, go to the Search menu at the top, click File..., input your search string, and make sure that ' ...
Click on the menubar at Search --> File --> And than type in the name of your file. You can also choose, which filetype your file is, In which part of eclipse ...
In Eclipse you can use CTRL + H to perform either a file search, task search, Git search or Java search throughout a project, workspace or even package.
Clicking on the Search menu and selecting Search or File or Java. Clicking Ctrl + H. Search. The File Search page allows you to search any type of file but the ...